Call for papers

Conference theme

Reconnecting relationships through technology

We want to focus on the value and importance of connecting, of strong relationships, empowered by educational technologies. It’s a central part of higher education; relationships between teachers and students, within student groups, with our core purposes and campuses, between professional and academic staff, and even between all of us and technology.

Call for papers has closed

Conference sub-themes

Reconnecting students with educators

The relational nature of education is arguably more important than ever as relationships mediate a strong sense of belonging and promote student engagement. How is technology helping educators to meaningfully (re)connect with students, at a distance and at scale?

Reconnecting students with each other

Students’ experience of tertiary education is enriched through peer relationships that are formed throughout their journey. From collaborative work and assessments to co- and extra-curricular activities, how can technology help students build stronger relationships with peers and grow their sense of belonging and connectedness?

Reconnecting students with purpose

A clear sense of purpose improves student persistence and outcomes. How are we using technology to enable and strengthen meaningful partnerships between students and educators, the university, the community, and industry?

Reconnecting people with educational technology

The past two years have forced tertiary educators to rapidly engage with a wide range of educational technologies. What lessons can we learn from this process, and how can we reconnect students, educators, administrators, and other tertiary education stakeholders more meaningfully, equitably, and sustainably with technology going forward?

Reconnecting the community with the future campus

Interfaces between the virtual and physical campuses are more critical, but less visible, than ever before. The tertiary education community has a complex and integrated relationship with ‘the campus’, and building a sense of place is central to how we learn and teach into the future. How do we collectively achieve sustainable development goals, strengthen diversity and inclusivity, and provide a technology-enriched educational environment for an increasingly diverse student cohort?

Submission types

Type of papers accepted for submission are:

  • Full papers – 10 pages
  • Concise papers – 5 pages
  • Posters – 500 words
  • Symposia / panel sessions – 500 words
  • Extended abstracts (Pecha Kucha presentation format) – 500 words
  • Pre-conference workshops – 1,500 words

Note: Authors are allowed to be the lead on one paper only.

Full papers

Full papers may feature the following:

  • Significant theoretical reviews;
  • Reports on medium to large scale research, evaluations, developments or project;
  • Research studies in areas of innovative educational practice, or case studies;
  • Rationale – forum for discussion of key directions in research informed practice.
Presentation format

20-minute presentation plus a 5-minute Q&A (then 5 minutes enabling a changeover).

Submission format

10 pages maximum (including APA 7th Edition references) developed on the full paper submission template which is author de-identified.

Accepted full papers should address the reviewers’ recommendations; be revised on the accepted full paper template which includes author details.

Review Criteria

Double blind peer review based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to conference theme, sub-themes and intended audience;
  • The paper is original, and clearly identifies broad and insightful implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice;
  • Clearly situated in current literature and/or policy with well-articulated conceptual or theoretical framework and related research questions that address a novel issue(s);
  • Adopts an appropriate research methodology for the purpose of the paper;
  • Insightful critical analysis and interpretation that leads to clear, logical findings, conclusions and implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice;
  • Ease of reading, grammar, spelling, format, and referencing details.
Template and submission

Download the template (DOCX) Updated 2022-06-22 with further clarity for deidentifying the submission

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the button to submit or for help on using the online submission system.

Concise papers

Concise papers may feature the following:

  • provide a forum for discussion of key directions in research informed practice;
  • the presentation of works in progress;
  • reports on specialised topics;
  • position papers;
  • pilot studies; or
  • brief reports on innovative practice in technology supported teaching and learning;
  • As a general guide, a concise paper might include background information, a description of the work undertaken, results achieved and discussion or conclusions.
Presentation format

12-minute presentation plus 3-minute Q&A (then 5 minutes enabling a changeover)

Submission format

5 pages maximum (including APA 7th Edition referencing) developed on the concise paper submission template which is author de-identified.

Accepted concise papers should address the reviewers’ recommendations; to be revised on the accepted concise paper template which includes author details.

Review Criteria

Double blind peer review based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to conference theme, sub-themes and intended audience;
  • The paper is original, and clearly identifies broad and insightful implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice;
  • Clearly situated in current literature and/or policy with well-articulated conceptual or theoretical framework and related research questions that address a novel issue(s);
  • Adopts an appropriate research methodology for the purpose of the paper;
  • Insightful critical analysis and interpretation that leads to clear, logical findings, conclusions and implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice;
  • Ease of reading, grammar, spelling, format, and referencing details.
Template and submission

Download the template (DOCX) Updated 2022-06-22 with further clarity for deidentifying the submission

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the button to submit or for help on using the online submission system.


Posters are an opportunity to visually share and showcase projects and development initiatives and discuss these with conference delegates.

Presentation format

Posters can be shared in a printed and/or digital format, as pre-determined as follows:

  • For printed posters:
    • Maximum width 1200 mm, maximum height 2400 mm; 
    • and may include AR elements and/or QR codes.
  • For digital format (for those who are remotely presenting only):
    • Full poster needs to be able to be viewed on one screen;
    • A maximum of 6 slides to zoom in on sections.
Submission format

500 words not including references, using the ASCILITE Poster template

Review Criteria

Double blind peer review for Posters based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to advancing TEL research and practice;
  • Showcasing exemplary innovation of practice;
  • Has a theoretical underpinning;
  • Applicability to diverse tertiary practice;
  • Coherent and logically structured.
Template and submission

Download the template (DOCX) Updated 2022-06-22 with further clarity for deidentifying the submission

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the button to submit or for help on using the online submission system.

Symposia / panel sessions

Symposia (also known as panels or debates) provide an interactive platform to:

  • challenge or defend a position, theory, model or concept;
  • identify areas of dispute;
  • offer alternative interpretations of well-known studies and findings;
  • bring together experts or impassioned colleagues to explore a topic while involving the audience;
  • typically involves a panel of presenters in discussion or debate of a topical issue.
Presentation format

a 55-minute presentation including Q&A (then 5 minutes enabling a changeover for rooms).

Submission format

2 pages maximum (including APA 7th Edition referencing) a submission template should be provided, which includes the following:

  • An outline of the focus area with reference to relevant theoretical frameworks, research studies and references;
  • A summary of the ideas to be explored and why the topic will attract an audience;
  • Names of proposed panel members and a description of the range of views that panel members will represent;
  • An outline of the symposium format, including strategies to engage those attending;
  • Details of the intended audience and expected outcomes; and
  • What the key takeaways might be for delegates.
Review Criteria

Symposia will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Presents on a relevant contemporary topic to the conference theme and streams;
  • Presents different perspectives of the chosen theme;
  • poses questions and/or raises points for participants to debate; and
  • with the contributions from the delegates, extends an aspect of knowledge or that new ways of understanding may emerge.
Template and submission

Download the template (DOCX) Updated 2022-06-22 with further clarity for deidentifying the submission

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the button to submit or for help on using the online submission system.

Extended abstracts (Pecha Kucha)

Extended Abstracts are an opportunity to share and showcase innovative Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) practice through a Pecha Kucha presentation. Extended Abstracts may feature practice-based examples such as Scholarly Practice, learning innovations, professional development innovations, outcomes of communities of practice, etc.

Abstract format

500 words not including references, using ASCILITE paper template.

Presentation format
  • 20 slides or images, 20 seconds each, auto advanced;
  • 6 minute 40 second presentations, with remaining time to 10 minutes for questions and changeover
Review Criteria

Blind peer review for Extended Abstracts – Pecha Kucha based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to advancing TEL research and practice;
  • Showcasing exemplary innovation of practice;
  • Has a theoretical underpinning;
  • Applicability to diverse tertiary practice;
  • Coherent and logically structured.
Template and submission

Download the template (DOCX) Updated 2022-06-22 with further clarity for deidentifying the submission

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the button to submit or for help on using the online submission system.

Pre-conference workshops 

Workshops constitute the conference’s most direct contribution towards professional development in educational technology and related topics. Workshops enable participants to work with experts in specific areas to acquire knowledge, enhance skills and develop broader perspectives. These are not research presentations.

Submission Format

1,500 words maximum (about three pages, and include the following information):

  • Presenters’ name/s, contact information and organisation;
  • Workshop title;
  • Clear statement of the objectives of the workshop;
  • A detailed description of the workshop format including activities workshop participants will be expected to engage in;
  • Intended audience and degree of expertise required by workshop participants;
  • Session room and technical requirements;
  • Maximum and minimum participant numbers.
Presentation format

Enable detailed discussion and interactive consideration of substantial topics and issues.

Review Criteria
  • Adhering to conference themes
  • Number of workshop places available in program
  • The outcomes of reviews for workshops will be returned to the presenters at the same time as full and concise papers are provided to authors.
Other considerations
  • Approximate per person fees for ASCILITE workshops are $150 for a half-day workshop and $300 for a full day workshop.
  • Workshop presenters are expected to provide all required materials for their participants.
  • Once registrations have closed, presenters will be informed if their workshop will go ahead.
  • If a workshop is cancelled due to insufficient numbers, those that have registered for the workshop will be informed and offered the option of enrolling in another workshop or having their money refunded.
Template and submission

Download the template (DOCX) Updated 2022-07-14 clarifying not to deidentify the submission for workshops

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click the button to submit or for help on using the online submission system.