The remote studio: Enabling higher quality teaching and learning resource creation in satellite campuses and increasing equity [214]
November 14, 2022
Online Assessment in Australian University Business Schools: A Snapshot of Usage and Challenges [181]
November 14, 2022

Factors Influencing Polytechnic Educators’ Behavioural Intentions to use Technology Enhanced Learning Tools: The Structural Equation Modelling Approach [80]

This study examined factors that affect educators’ behavioural intention to use Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) tools in a polytechnic in Singapore. Five hundred and twenty-five educators completed a survey measuring their responses to six variables in the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study is related to the sub-theme of reconnecting people with educational technologies. Social and environmental constructs were included to measure the influence of other persons and the facilitating conditions on the educators’ intention to use (IU) TEL tools. Structural Equation Modelling was used to test the research model. The results showed that attitude towards usage (ATU) of TEL tools was the dominant determinant of educators’ IU. Overall, attitude toward usage (ATU), perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), subjective norm (SN) and facilitating conditions (FC) explained 65.3% of the variance in IU. SN had positive and significant effects on PEU and PU, whereas FC significantly influenced PEU. Finally, the implications of findings for polytechnic educators are discussed in the paper.

Sun 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Concise paper, Reconnecting people with educational technology